Sunday 2 October 2011

My photo story

It's generally busy at work on most days, but the last week of the month is always particularly busy.  This is the time to tie up all loose ends and ensure everything is in place before my schools convert to Academy.  It can be quite a stressful time.

I didn't get round to taking photos for my IWS task during the week.  So I went into the office today as I am not in until Tuesday.  It's a beautiful day today, the sun is shining and friends were off to the beach while I headed off to work.  Oh well, it had to be done!

After taking my pics I downloaded them onto my computer and and then tried to add text to the image using Photoshop software.  I've not had much experience of editing images in any way so I was struggling a bit.  I managed to work out how to do it using the text tool but I couldn't make the font bigger.  I played around with it a bit before I was able to do this.  However, in the end I decided that I would just add text seperately rather than the image.

I then pondered about how to link the photos together.  I considered copying the images to MS Word and compress the pictures.  I ultimately decided to use PowerPoint (hope this is an acceptable format) and used the Shrink Pictures website to make the file size of the pictures smaller.  I'm uploaded it to the shared documents section in the VLE.  I just need to write my 500 word assignment on this.

I'm going to try to get as much done as I can in the next few hours before I head out to see Milton Jones, the comedian, in Wimbledon.  I had booked tickets for this some time ago.  It should be good fun, but then it's back to study when I get back.

1 comment:

  1. Your photo story is good and I hope the essay is going well.
