Wednesday 28 September 2011

Another busy day...

It's been quite a hectic day for me.  I left for work this morning after 7am and arrived back home a few hours ago after 8pm.  After a busy day at the office, I went for a game of 5-a side football this evening straight after work.  And I'm feeling pretty knackered right now.  I think maybe I'm getting too old to be running around chasing after a ball!

In terms of study, the past few days haven't been too productive.  But I have managed to read the paper on the Ultraversity model for work based learning and I've made some initial notes.  I will need to go over them again and try to put them into some coherent form...

I've purchased Critical Thinking: A Concise Guide by Bowell and Kemp.  As this is an important work, I wanted to buy my own copy rather than loan it from the library.  I hope to make a start on it later tonight...

I feel I've got a bit of catching up to do, which I should hopefully begin to address tomorrow.  I still haven't got round to taking the photos at work for the Working Life task.  Hopefully if I get some time I will do this in the morning, but not sure as I have a number of meetings scheduled.  I also need to look to at the Tools for Online Learning task.  With a bit of luck, I should hopefully be back on track by the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tahir, if you have rad a paper that is fairly productive, you have a hectic day - a busy day at the office, is that the norm? as you progress through the course you will use reflective practice and action inquiry along with personal development planning to help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and how to improve aspects of your practice to become more effective at work. The first semester initiates some consideration of how you behave or operate in the workplace, how you are expected to behave the competences your workplace think you need and those you think you need need etc - this is the start of the PDP strand. In parallel IOCT should help you get to grips with online technologies and how tehy can support communications. You will see some basic analytical methods emerging from the photo-story to the exploration and comparison of online tools - both are ways of analysing the world around you. In the paper you mention and the work of folk such as GIlly salmon, Etienne Wenger and Nancy White you will read of their experiences and ideas, these can be used to add substance to your own thoughts or as a catalyst for developing new ideas. Keeping on track is very important as is sharing progress and asking questions in the module discussions. Have you looked at Salmon's 5 stage model yet- you might find you can chart your progress as a community member against it - this kind of comparison or alignment against a framework is another type of analysis - using frameworks like that wil provide a systematic approach to analysing your own thoughts and actions as well as developing critical thinking skills.

    best wishes
