Saturday 21 January 2012

Back to study...

After what feels like a very long break, I've been preparing for the second semester which is due to start next week.  I've been taking a look around the Uni website, accessed Module Definition Forms and have ordered some of the books on the recommended reading list.

I received provisional feedback earlier in the week for the work that I completed during the first semester.  I was pleased to achieve a good score and receive some positive comments from my tutors.  However, I was a bit disappointed that I wasn't able to do better.  Unfortunately my laptop burned out just a few days before I was due to submit my work.  As a result of this, I lost a large amount of work that I had done getting ready for assessment.  I normally back up my work at the end of each day but my laptop broke before I had a chance to do this.  My request for an extension was declined so I had to rush through everything and try to bring my work up to a good standard.

The New Year has started well for me.  I was successful in my recent job application and started my new role at the beginning of January.  I did a lot of preparation for it so am glad it paid off.  It was a very strong field so getting through makes very pleased and proud.  I will be continuing to work within the same area as before but I have taken on some additional responsiblities including work on a high profile policy.  The verdict?  Well, so far, so good. 

I look forward to resuming my studies in the second semester and hope that my learning will continue to benefit me at work. 

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! Let's try to make the modules relevant to your new role.
